BC Tile Adhesive FD
Product Description:-
BC Tile Adhesive FD is a rapid cure one component, pre-packed tiling adhesive mortar combining cement with selected grades of silica sand and several admixtures and polymeric additives that enhance set time and curing speed of the mixed material. BC Tile Adhesive FD has good bonding and consistency in different climate, and can be used for adhering different kind of tiles. Only requires addition of water.
Place 2/3 of water quantity into the recipient bulk, add the tile adhesive powder slowly to the water while mixing; the usage of a mechanical mixer with low rotation speed is recommended. Add the remaining l /3 water and mix until reaching a homogeneous mortar lumps free.
Keep the paste rest for 2 to 3 min prior application.
The exact water needed should be determined based on trials.
Poduct Application:
Apply BC Tile Adhesive FD on the substrate using a notched trowel in order to achieve a minimum uniform thickness of 2cm . Press firmly the tile into the substrate for certain seconds to ensure good contact with the adhesive. For better and full adhesion, apply BC Tile Adhesive FD on both: back of the tile and substrate
Bag of 20 Kg
Pallet: 50 bags per palette.